目前分類:雲眉棧公告 (31)

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咳咳!好久不見,這一陣子大家陸陸續續回臺貢獻, 我想也到了聚會的時候了,不能讓多倫多那群每天homepa!!就由劣者先來嗆個聲吧  。

時間:Feb21~22(Sat & Sun)
1. 兩日遊(強烈建議2人合購一本999元觀光護照 http://www.tnta.org.tw/2005/?action=disci,可委由Sandarac代購)
住宿: 觀光護照免費提供(附22日早餐)
行程規劃:21日(Sat.)中午前抵達台南=>台灣第一學府成功大學=>午餐 and 飲料(觀光護照免費提供)=>飯店check in=>安平(有人要買布丁,也可憑護照免費參訪古蹟ˋ樹屋等)=>四草紅樹林搭竹筏由綠色隧道(觀光護照只需50元)=>正統鹿耳門聖母廟(拿免費平安包)==>七股鹽山(觀光護照免入場費)=>黑面琵鷺保護區=>晚餐(松村燻之味,憑消費券購買觀光護照送150元提貨券)=>Zzz...=>22日控窯花海
伊蕾特 and 紅磚布丁
安平樹屋 and洋行

2. 22日控窯花海樂(http://www.wretch.cc/blog/chaochun777/11041204):

男人的優惠(可以住我家) 8-)


已確定參加者:官欣(2日)ˋJoanna(2日)ˋVera( 2 日)ˋLing( 2 日)ˋ佳璇學妹(2日)ˋSam Huang (3天2夜)ˋSandarac x 2

1. Sandarac會用消費券代購護照2本,送2張價值150元的松村提貨券
2. 可搭乘Sandarac遊覽專車並由專人解說 
3. 有餘力還可以去台灣第一大花園夜市

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請在 11/2 號前回覆至westlife520nicky@hotmail.com


林芳如      王語詩      彭瑞鳳      李佳穗      林倉存      梁永銘
許子宏      蘇溫斌      王   盈      吳玉玲      陳靄霆      黃冠綾
劉姵君      蕭佑真      陳富美      蘇莉婷      林雅玲      高至潔
蔡佩玲      邱明珊      黃欣瑜      陳怡誠      呂玉芳      蕭合慶
黃貞蓉      林期耕      蘇玉凰      張筱蒨      賴奕璇      曾靜美
許亞涵      李   謙      陳德譽      林雅容      曾善美      趙明高
郭嘉馨      古昌裕      陳玉貞      蕭凱瀛      賴怡伶      楊艷妮
張蓉真      陳柔羽      吳巧雯

煩請提供   謝謝




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就這樣!!長達兩年多的居留權上訴在此正式告終!!經過2次上訴! 被聯邦法院連審都沒審就直接退件...白花了2000加幣訴訟費用!!


結果他居然直到我九月四號寫信問有沒有update, 9月14才回信說以為我早就知道上訴被駁回了!!


再來就等Oct 20的難民結果...跟著失敗就準備遣返回臺吧...希望能趕快拿回我的護照和身分證


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15-16/墾丁, 17台中..18-20台北..21下午4點多的機台北..
澳門電話853-66834860 MSN: cnil_560@hotmail.com


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Aug. 1~12 去Vancouver and 落磯山脈(Banff & Jasper)
Pics available at: http://www.pixnet.net/album/sandarac/14124677

是一間賤公司,亂改合約內容...又4輪面試 and 龜龜毛毛有的沒的!


租Enterprise with 20% off promotion code ($205/week)
總共開了2500km/week 油錢$250 (Mazda M3 2.0) 油價平均135~140


Aug.4       Vancouver => Banff

        Vancouver => T&T(買路上補給品)
        => BANFF ALPINE CENTRE (801 Hidden Ridge Way, Banff, AB, Canada)

Aug.5       Banff

Morning   Check out(水和食物要帶,先上廁所)
          Two Jack Lake =>Lake Minnewanka

          THE FAIRMONT BANFF SPRINGS (405 Spray Ave Banff, AB T1L 1J4 Canada)
         =>Bow River(Falls) => 硫磺山Sulphur Mountain

        Fudgery Icecream: 215 Banff Avenue, Banff, AB (4球才$3.75)
        Banff Upper HotSprings
        如有房間可以前往Lake Louise住宿!不然還是住Banff一早再去

 Aug.6   Banff => Jasper

 Early Morning(如果要看鏡湖)   Check out (準備好水ˋ食物及乾糧)
        Lake Louise (58km from banff划船$55 /hr,超時算半小時 )=>Moriane Lake
        =>Crowfoot Glacier =>Peyto Lake => Columbia Icefield ($38/人 限20 mins)
        Athabasca Glacier (Columbia Icefield遊客中心正前方,開車約5分鐘後停車
        =>Honeymoon Lake (哥倫比亞冰原與Jasper之間的93號公路上,可能有熊)
        => Athabasca Falls ( Highway 93 (Ice Field Parkway) South
        of Jasper approximately 25 kilometers.) => Jasper

Crowfoot Glacier is located in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada, 32 km
(20 miles) northwest of Lake Louise, and can be viewed from the Icefields
Parkway (Hwy 93)

Aug.7   Jasper

Morning (準備好水ˋ食物及乾糧)
        Vally of the 5 Lakes (You will find the Valley of the Five Lakes hike
        simply along the Icefields Parkway, just under 9km south of the traffic
        lights at Jasper, Hiking Time: It will take 1.5 to 2 hours to complete this

        hiking circuit.) => Maligne Canyon and Lake
        => Miette Hot Springs (8:30 am - 10:30 pm, 61 km –來回3hr)
       Proceed east on highway 16 for 44 km to the Pocahontas Bungalows and the
        Miette Road junction Miette Hot Springs are at the end of Miette Road,
        17 km ahead.
        晚間約九點天色未暗前前去Cottonwood Stough 看Beaver

Aug.8   睡飽回程 走五號接一號 (沿途邊玩邊看約10小時車程)

Camera, MP3 Player, Laptop, medicine, Swimming suits(Beach, Hot Springs) ,
Coat 充電器, GPS,盥洗用具,墨鏡, 碗筷湯匙,手套,手電筒,望遠鏡


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http://www.badongo.com/file/8119600 part 1
http://www.badongo.com/file/8119528 part 2
http://www.badongo.com/file/8119634 part 3
http://www.badongo.com/file/8120709 part 4
http://www.badongo.com/file/8120718 part 5
http://www.badongo.com/file/8120656 part 6
法文與我短片 (Je Pense Donc Je Suis)
http://www.badongo.com/file/8137466 part 1
http://www.badongo.com/file/8137213 part 2
http://www.badongo.com/file/8137007 part 3
http://www.badongo.com/file/8163789 part 1
http://www.badongo.com/file/8163787 part 2
http://www.badongo.com/file/8163732 part 3
http://www.badongo.com/file/8164791 part 4
http://www.badongo.com/file/8164586 part 5
http://www.badongo.com/file/8164802 part 1
http://www.badongo.com/file/8164949 part 2
http://www.badongo.com/file/8165452 part 3
http://www.badongo.com/file/8165463 part 4
http://www.badongo.com/file/8165249 part 5
http://www.badongo.com/file/8165568 part 1
http://www.badongo.com/file/8166054 part 2
http://www.badongo.com/file/8166052 part 3
http://www.badongo.com/file/8166036 part 4
http://www.badongo.com/file/8166433 part 5
http://www.badongo.com/file/8166310 part 6

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i.e. xxx.part61 changed to xxx.part6

解壓縮軟體 Winrar (Free DL and no Password Required)

http://www.badongo.com/file/7945330 part 1
http://www.badongo.com/file/7945528 part 2
http://www.badongo.com/file/7945273 part 3
http://www.badongo.com/file/7945552 part 4
http://www.badongo.com/file/7945567 part 5
http://www.badongo.com/file/7991375 part 6
http://www.badongo.com/file/7944902 part 7
http://www.badongo.com/file/7990128 part 1
http://www.badongo.com/file/7991382 part 2
http://www.badongo.com/file/7991562 part 3
http://www.badongo.com/file/7990348 part 4
http://www.badongo.com/file/7990254 part 5
http://www.badongo.com/file/7991878 part 6
http://www.badongo.com/file/7991865 part 7
http://www.badongo.com/file/7993707 part 8
http://www.badongo.com/file/8007705 part 9
http://www.badongo.com/file/8010327 part 10
http://www.badongo.com/file/8105526 part 11
http://www.badongo.com/file/8105539 part 12
http://www.badongo.com/file/8105540 part 13
http://www.badongo.com/file/7993907 part 14

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http://www.badongo.com/file/7883789 part 1
http://www.badongo.com/file/7883923 part 2
http://www.badongo.com/file/7899078 part 3
http://www.badongo.com/file/7904239 part 4
http://www.badongo.com/file/7904746 part 5
http://www.badongo.com/file/7883604 part 6
Mt. Ali
http://www.badongo.com/file/7973754 part 1
http://www.badongo.com/file/7973756 part 2
http://www.badongo.com/file/7973745 part 3
http://www.badongo.com/file/7973779 part 4
http://www.badongo.com/file/7973771 part 5
http://www.badongo.com/file/7974702 part 6
http://www.badongo.com/file/7974396 part 7

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Sandarac's Comment: 或許入聯返聯都是政治操弄手段...不過要知道!!政府已經推動重返聯合國許久了!!




                                           所以....無論入聯公投或返聯公投...無論用何名稱(Except for People's Republic of China)




● 科技方面:








導致廠商喪失研發製造的先機。那趕快加入 ITU 啊!抱歉!台灣不是聯合國會員,沒資格!



專利只好跟國外合作,新技術被迫開放,國名被冠上中國之一省、相關代碼被歸類到中國名下,跟 ISO 抗議?







 ● 經濟方面:


亞洲金融風暴時,由國際貨幣基金 (IMF) 主導,借貸給韓國,幫助韓國紓困,重建韓國經濟。


世界銀行》(World Bank)

聯合國在第三世界或戰後地區有無數BOT 重建計畫,扶貧、灌溉、學校、醫院、水庫、發電廠、造橋修路、

環保等等五花八門什麼都有,世銀(World Bank)的 IBRD 還提供一百五十億美元給已開發國家的私人公司貸款參與重建計畫。


自從韓國潘基文接 UN 秘書長後,靠他牽引或賣他的面子,南韓就四處包攬 UN 在第三世界重建的工程!


 ● 外銷方面:


世界糧食組織(WFP)每年採購至少兩百至兩百五十萬噸的糧食,援助第三世界或戰區的饑荒 ,


國民黨要台 灣把農產品賤賣給每年還在靠世界糧食組織救濟糧食的中國,
也不願意台灣農會跟世界糧食組織 (WFP) 做生意!












也無法參與談判,但為了產品外銷,只好遵守規定減量,然而這樣做 台灣並沒得到多少好處,因為無法透過國際合作機制,





 ● 教育、衛生、安全:


世衛(WHO)為了因應全球化和重大傳染病的擴散,於2000年成立Global Outbreak Alert & Response Network(Goarn)

全球疫情警報和應變網Goarn 彙集了來自會員國學術機構、醫學和監測單位、實驗室、聯合國各組織、紅十字會,




當世衛Goarn 發佈最新的SARS 訊息,請問馬英九有收到來自北京的WHO 警訊嗎?根本沒有!才會死那麼多人!






聯合國教科文組織(Fellowship and training,UNESCO)和世衛(WHO)提供豐富的研究經費和獎助金,








 ● 結論:


(鯨魚網站註:以上是胡為者據 che guevara、黃南瀛和其他網友的資料所整理排版出來的,以方便給各位轉寄。)

〔資料來源:與媒體對抗 政治時事版〕

雲中雁 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Executive Summary
Pili International Multimedia Inc., a production group incorporated in 1991 that revitalizes the traditional palmardrama and popularizes it in Taiwan, is seeking to expand its business globally not just for profit, but for preserving and disseminating it.
In 2000, the company makes its first big screen movie “Legend of the Sacred Stone” in order to publishing globally; the box sale seems not having a good number in the western world. After six year’s effort, one of its series was finally aired on the U.S. Cartoon Network; however, just for two episodes, the show was cancelled for its poor rating.
I conclude the major problem of the U.S. launch is because the missing of the original Experiential DNA - “An animated eastern TV puppet drama with real puppet and high aesthetic value for ACGN fans/artists to experience”.   In which I found three critical issues that plays an important role in it:
- Issue 1: The show was totally reformatted
- Issue 2: Insufficient pre-launch marketing effort
- Issue 3: Wrong plot selection
The popularization of the Japanese ACGN (Anime, Comic, Game, and Light Novel) shows the potential of North America and even the global market. If Pili wants to take part in the global market, they will need to market their products strategically, matching the marketing mix with its experiential DNA, or even allowing the unethical method of downloading as a contingency plan.
Once being successful in the U.S. market, I am expecting a fast growing of its market share in the global market. On the other hand, we are also expecting the successfulness of the palmardrama with its richness in content could make the ideal eastern form Disneyland come true in the near future, which will also be helpful for the economy of Taiwan from the tourism and cultural industry.

Pili International Multimedia[viii] is the largest production group that revitalize the traditional Taiwanese palmardrama and devoted to entertain the ACGN[ix] fans who wants to experience the eastern fantasy world and culture by providing a new age digital puppet TV movie series. Unlike the Japanese’s ACGNs such as Naruto[x], Bleach[xi] or Final Fantasy[xii] that are purely animated, Pili’s series having real puppet performing on the stage with real equipments and scenes, is believed to provide a higher interface value to catch audiences’ eyes and hearts.
Our objectives is to achieve 1 % of global media market share by the end of 2009, setting up or licensing/franchise at least 5 specialty stores in the States by the end of 2010, and increasing our global market share to 4% by the end of 2015. (Appendix A)  In 2020, we expect to setting up an eastern form theme park in Taiwan and attracting 5 million tourists with 8% CAGR. Our ultimate objective as a cultural organization is to preserve and disseminate the specific art of Taiwan, help people understand Taiwan, and eventually support Taiwan’s return to the United Nations.
Why U.S.?
After receiving the Best Director Award in the Golden Bell Award[xiii], and being voted by people of Taiwan as the image that will represent Taiwan to the world (Chuang, 2006), palmardrama has returned its golden age in Taiwan. However, when launching the 2001’s TV series in the U.S. Cartoon Network on February 2006, the show was cut for poor rating after two episodes. [xiv]  The result shows that there are still some difficulties in either cultural difference, or unsuccessful entertainment marketing strategy.
“Art functions as a cultural metaphor, mirroring a culture's ideas and values. Technology, colonization, exploitation, revolution, among other factors, have all contributed to affect changes in how humans live and interact with one another individually, and collectively.” (John D. Miles)
Why U.S.? Since one of our major objectives is to attract people who live in the western society to get in touch with the world of eastern fantasy, countries like China and Japan is already excluded from the targeting list. On the other hand, based on the research conducted by Datamonitor (Appendix B), the U.S represents almost 40% of the global market share in this media industry. In terms of value, the U.S. movies and entertainment sector accounts for 44.3 % of the global sector.[xv]  On the other hands, considering the derivative products such as the puppet itself or other accessories are quite costly, it is reasonable to target countries with higher GDP (PPP) per capita and huge market like the States.[xvi]
Company Analysis – Pili International Multimedia Inc.(See Appendix C for sample video links)
-        Goal: To preserve and disseminate Taiwanese palmardrama by achieving 4% of global market share in 2015 and setting up an eastern theme park by 2020 in Taiwan while attracting 5 million foreign tourists with 8% compound annual growth rate.
-        Focus: Superior and unique brand; improving puppeteer skills in both product and people side; expanding global market; ethic education, language and skills; customer oriented.
-        Production Content: Action and literature in the Chinese context, fighting among good and evil or holy and devil, some series also included Ninja, Samurai, Vampire or alien!
-        Culture: Innovative while maintaining artistic value, conservative in HR(Family Business) 
-        Strength: Market leader in Taiwan; high customer loyalty when people understand it; Irreplaceable and entertaining; uniqueness in dubbing and performing.[xvii]
-        Weakness: New comer to the U.S. market; few foreign language masters in the industry; bad first launch image; culture difference.
-        Competitors: Major competitors are the Japanese ACGNs, such as Bleach, Naruto, Final Fantasy, or Kingdom Heart. The American animation/comics are not considered as major competitor due to the different taste of consumers in the target market.
-        Content: The content is usually about Ninja and Samurai, fighting between evil/devil and justice, or science fiction like the Final Fantasy. Some of them were more cultural focus to introduce the Japanese cuisines, sports, etc.
-        Channels: Cartoon Network, Viz Media, Square Enix, etc.! Usually through direct market like comic book specialty stores, or the mass market such as bookstores and newsstands, some are on a subscription sales basis.
-        Pricing: US$ 8~9 for graphic comics;US$20~25 for DVD of 66~100 mins, US$50 for DVD of 325 mins; Price for other products like games for toys varies.[xviii]
-        Market Size: Shonen Jump magazine is expected to sell 1 million (Wong, 2007); The anime market for the United States alone is "worth approximately $4.35 billion” while Annual manga sales in North America have more than doubled since 2002, totaling $200 million in 2006 according to research firm ICv2.[xix]  The volume is growing fast. ( Appendix D)
-        Type: ACGN fans are usually teenagers and young adults (not just male predominate) from 13~30s, they seem to be more open minded, and well-educated; like spending time on web.
-        Value Drivers: They value the togetherness with the same subculture group; enjoy the experience provided in the Japanese ACGNs and the style of graphic animated.
-        Special Behavior: Fanaticized ACGN fans will dress up (Cosplay) characters he/she like, it provide them a strong interface value with the character and the imaginary world.
(Above observations based on my Coolhunt/Ethnography project at Anime North and life long experience/observation, partially available at http://www.pixnet.net/photo/sandarac/55006199)
        According to the Situation and SWOT analysis (Appendix E), I have identified the Key Success Factors for Pili International Multimedia’s America launch are:
1.     The strong interface value of derivative products to the show.
2.     Growing community with fans overlap among products.
3.     Delivering the same image/content to consumers. (Translation, plot, music, etc.)
4.     Richness in content and the eastern experience (Including the Japan experience)
After carefully review the content of the U.S. version compare to the Taiwanese version as well as consumers reaction toward different version (Appendix F), I conclude that the major problem is the missing of the Experiential DNA (Appendix G) - “An animated eastern TV puppet drama with real puppet and high aesthetic value for ACGN fans/artists to experience”.  Based on it, I find three critical issues that resulted to the failure:
        The first launch of “Wulin Warriors” developed by Animation Collective[xx] did a very bad practice, in which the plot, background music, dubbing and characters’ personality are totally reformatted. For example, one of the main characters “Scar (Yeah, Xiao-Te)”, who was originally a mute and very cool swordsman in the series, became a noisy clown. This is because the U.S. editor did not understand the personality of a character should be consistent with its action in the play, and it requires mutual cooperation between the two corporations.
Being a new comer to the U.S. market, Pili should not depend on the Cartoon Network only. The Cartoon Network did nothing but only the TV commercial. Therefore, once the Cartoon Network does a poor marketing job, it also affect Pili’s brand image. What Pili needs to do is to actively participate in the marketing campaign, get direct connection with its target audience.
Choosing the right starting point for the more than 1,300 episodes series will be a key to success. The 2006 “Wulin Warriors” is re-formatted based on a series produced in 2001, in which the plot is too easternized, the controlling of puppetry skill and the supporting of technology & scenes are also not mature compare with today. Although we are targeting audience who are interested in the eastern culture, we still need a good starting point that audiences could resonate for their previous western experience.
        According to Ansoff’s Strategic Opportunity Matrix, Pili is like introducing its existing product to a new market (forget about the short 1st launch); therefore, Pili should focus on market development while maintaining its Experiential DNA, this is to differentiate from the other existing products in the marketplace like the Japanese and U.S. Animation. The puppet animation entering the U.S. market is like a brand new thing, it could be very profitable for there is no real competitor. In order to connect to the audiences, Pili needs to create high interface value by providing derivative products that resonate. (Ex. Puppets and Equipments, Sound Tracks, Comics, Games) 
Target Market Strategy (See Perceptual Map in Appendix H)          
Primary Target Market: Teenagers to young adult from 13 ~ 30s, especially ACGN fans[xxi]
- Size and Sales Potential: More than 1M as a whole (ACGN), create value of more than $4.35 B
- Characteristic: Spend time in front of PC, or hang out with friends with similar interests.
Secondary Target Market: Artists in the puppetry related performing art industry[xxii]
- Size and Sales Potential: Relatively small.  The main purpose is not for profit but for potential future recognition and a state of mind level up to differentiate from competitors.
- Characters: Enthusiastic in works of art, self-motivate and creative.
        In order to create a high interface value, our marketing mix needs to resonate with the Experiential DNA - “An animated eastern TV puppet drama with real puppet and high aesthetic value for ACGN fans/artists to experience”:
Product Except for the TV palmardrama itself, which is the core; Pili will need to introduce its rich product line to the market in order to let the audiences/artists sense and feel it, which is the most important thing to create a strong interface value.[xxiii]
Place The distribution channel will be like Cartoon Network, Viz Media, Blockbusters, or even the Internet for the video. For physical products, channels like anime conventions or toy specialty stores will be a good idea; on-line shop is also important and convenient. Besides, a Tea Group – TenRen, which is originate in Taiwan, is also a good place for distribution tangible products to target our audience who are Asian and eastern life enthusiasts.[xxiv]
Price – Price for DVDs should not be lower than the Japanese anime, this is to stress the high aesthetic value and to react the actual production costs.  The current price for renting a 140 mins DVD (2 episode) is about US$5~US$7; considering the nominal GDP per capita between US and Taiwan and the pricing of DVDs sold by Viz Media, US$25+ will be an ideal price.[xxv]  Other products pricing will be following similar strategy. The puppet itself, which is purely handmade and wooden carved, will be targeting to the high-end and fanatic consumers that could afford US$2,000+ for a work of art, usually young adults with good occupation.
Promotion – Promotion should be on specific dates and locations. Ex.: At the anime conventions or during the Chinese New Year, mid-autumn festival, and so on. Moreover, a free preview for few episodes is quite important when palmardrama first comes to the market.
        First of all, Pili needs to re-negotiate with its agent - Animation Collective for the licensing of its series. It must insure that most of the Experiential DNA – The plot, content, background music, characters name, and voice should not be hugely changed. There is an increasing demand of anime in its original form. “This "light touch" approach to localization has favored viewers formerly unfamiliar with anime. The use of such methods is evident by the success of “Naruto”, and Cartoon Network's “Adult Swim” programming block, both of which employ minor edits.” (Appendix I)      An alternative is to produce both forms in order to please everyone since the technology already allows viewers to watch a program in either its original form or dubbed form; however, the cost-effectiveness of the dubbed version is questionable.  If Animation Collective is not capable of doing the translation and editing due to the richness in literature is hard to be understood by U.S. translator, Pili should consider do it by giving over its series to a group of people majored in Chinese/English translation and find other brokers or even try to negotiate with the Cartoon Network directly. Moreover, when negotiating with its Agent, Pili should insist on its show not being aired on KOL of AOL because the show is not intended for kids but for teenager and young adult.[xxvi] The licensing fee will be ideally 50% of operating profit generated from the show.
        Second, before the launch on TV, Pili should send a group of cosplayers, puppeteers, and related people with related products such as sample DVDs and puppets to all the major anime conventions of North America. (Refer to Appendix D) This is to give our major target audience a first experience/shake of the Taiwanese Palmardrama and to show the similarity/difference of it to the Japanese Anime. Never underestimate the effect of word-of-mouth in the subculture to share information on the Internet, and believe in the uniqueness of the entertainment cultural products.
        Third, choosing the right starting point! In my opinion, a good starting point will be the 2003 series (Nine King) which is about aliens attacking the mainland, followed by the two 2004 series (Bloody Imprint and Doom), which is about vampires doom the world; or even the latest two series (Siege of the Dragon and The Expedition) which is about the relationship between Japan and mainland. This kind of plot will be more resonate to its target audiences in the western world but also maintaining the eastern environment.[xxvii]
        Fourth, if the re-launch is successful, other derivative products should start to land the U.S. within one year either through licensing to the original channels or franchise to open specialty stores; if necessary capital investment in setting up own store will be required. This is to create the interface value for its audiences.  Regarding the tangible products, it can be distributed both on-line and off-line. In order to persuade the Cartoon Network to adopt the light touch form, Pili should give the right of monopoly for its derivative products to be sold on-line if the show is successful. However, physical store is still necessary to strengthen the interface value toward consumers if they could actually see the product before buying it. Thus, TenRen Tea group is a great channel for tangible products to be sold off-line which will benefit both parties for brand recognition. The royalty fee Pili should ask will be ideally its cost plus 15% wholesale value of products sold. As for the series DVD after each season, channels like Blockbuster or Viz Media or even the Cartoon Network itself could be take into consideration as long as they feel it to be profitable. Pili can set up a one-time buy-out fee for each DVD series in the short run before the show is well-recognized; in the long run, they will need to re-sign the contract for either revenue participation or profit participation for the DVD sold.
        Fifth, currently Pili is working on its 2nd big screen movie (3 episode) and wish it to go worldwide in early 2009, 2010 and 2011(The first one is launched on 2000)[xxviii]. I have a feeling that it will fail again for the movie is a brand new stuff (Plot is about Greece God and Taoism God fall foul of each other) without TV series back-up like Spiderman, Superman or Japanese Anime suck as One Piece or Conan and thus hard to create the Long Tail effect! What I will suggest to minimize impact and maximize box office sale is to launch it after the TV series’ success in the North America market. Otherwise, before people getting familiar with the palmardrama, it will be likely to fail again. A puppet movie is just too rush to be accepted by people in the west. Moreover, movie director David Weaver once mentioned that never subtitle a movie unless you are Ang Lee, it will be helpful if Ang Lee can endorse the upcoming new movie since he was born and bred in Taiwan, which will also increase the attention of talents in the movie industry – our secondary target market.
        Finally, if everything goes well and the market keeps growing, the dream of an eastern Disney will not be far away; however, the cost of building up a theme park could be enormous.  For example, Hong Kong Disney phase I cost around US$ 2 Billion (Ho, 2000). Therefore, either seeking for joining venture opportunity with Taiwanese government or other entertainment groups, or capitalize by IPO will be necessary for Pili’s future growing. 
The successfulness of palmardrama re-launch will be based on the following criteria
Audience Rating: Audiences’ reaction for the first few shows, to determine continuing or not.
Goal Congruence: To see if Pili could achieve its objectives, or at least close to the objectives.
Capital Gain: Business is usually for profit, capital gain is always important.
Foreign Apprentices: The number of foreign apprentices shows how audiences are affected.
Basically speaking, a huge capital investment is not required for Pili’s licensing of its existing products. Even not expanding to the U.S. market, they still producing the palmardrama and sell it in Taiwan and part of Japan. The major capital investment will be like the pre-launch marketing campaign for its people and products to show up in the major anime conventions for the first few years, translation of its series if necessary, and the buying of land in U.S. if necessary to set up its own store, finally will be the theme park.
However, it is possible that the existing network still make changes to the original content, which might leads to failure again due to the change in Experiential DNA. Therefore, my contingency plan for Pili’s U.S. re-launch, should provide a solution for the needs of original and latest content.
It will be downloading based! Like the music download, most of the Japanese anime is also available on the internet with English or other languages’ subtitles. This kind of form always comes from different fansubs.[i]  Fansub groups usually do not profit from it, they do it by their enthusiastic of providing good content to share with people of the same interest. Although some of them have resulted in lawsuit against the media industry, Kadokawa Pictures USA and Bandai Co., Ltd[ii] specifically thanked fansubbers for their role in helping to make The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya popular in the English speaking world.[iii]
In my opinion, it’s a clever action of Kadokawa and Bandai. Lawsuit against your audience is like stabbing your girlfriend.  Companies should think of this in other angles - Fans are actually doing the marketing for its products. Although company may not be able to gain too much from selling DVDs; nevertheless, they might sale more derivative products from it, which is the real cash cow
Therefore, it will be a viable plan for Pili to admit and accept, but not necessarily support the well-intended piracy among fans. This is expected to speed up the popularity of palmardrama in the U.S. and global market.

Appendix A– Global Movie and Entertainment Market
In 2009, the global movies and entertainment sector is forecast to have a value of $173 billion, an increase of 33.9% since 2004. The compound annual growth rate of the sector in the period 2004-2009 is predicted to be 6%.
Appendix B– Market Share for Movies and Entertainment in U.S.
In 2011, the United States media industry is forecast to have a value of $428.3 billion, an increase of 22.4% since 2006. The compound annual growth rate of the industry in the period 2006-2011 is predicted to be 4.1%.
Appendix C – Sample Palmardrama Videos
Latest Puppet Control skill: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEWsYUbrZfk
Latest Series (Check watcher’s comment) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0V1zXYXLVo
2007 MV (Female characters movement) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyHykEVj7ZM
2007 Special New Year show for children http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rk02v61gb0
Palmardrama Show to China (Also Cosplay) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q4Lz3m1AK4
Japanese Translation (2000’s Movie): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRp3DCeUgQ4
Yi-Wen-Zen introducing Canadian Missionary Dr. George Leslie Mackay in traditional way (Indoor performance) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwCIL_16ILU

Appendix D – Growing Attendees in the North America and Europe Anime Conventions
Anime Expo has an average annual growth of around 25%; Anime North in Toronto grew from 600 attendees in 1997 to 12,500 in 2006.
Appendix E – SWOT of Pili International Multimedia
*High artistic value with similar and interesting content
*Irreplaceable in the industry, training puppeteer and carver takes time and effort
*Real performance with technology support
* A family with more than 100 years performing history, strong skill support!
*New comer and price taker           *Strategy follower                                          *Language Barrier
*Distribution Network
*Conservative in promoting employees
*Fan loyalty
*Most fans usually watch more than one anime/comics, overlap between products
*Growing market
*Partnership with existing channels
*Government Support
* The main vocal artists and general manager Vincent Huang is in his early 50s
*North American’s unwillingness of watching subtitle[iv]
* Lots of Japanese ACGNs exist in the marketplace
Appendix F – Consumers’ Reaction toward Different Version of Palmardrama
Wulin Warriors (2001 TV series reformatted and broadcasted in the U.S. on February, 2006)
Appendix G – Experiential DNA of Palmardrama
Appendix I – Survey – What form of anime is your favourite?
Appendix K – Making the Puppet

Susan, Allen. (1998).  Nonprofit and commercial music: three musicians’ experience. (The Arts and the Public Purpose) (Interview) Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society. Vol. 28, Issue 2.
Miles, John. “Politics and the Art of Cultural Control: Aspects of 20th Century Art Movements”
Chuang, Jimmy. “Hand-puppet voted best Taiwan image”. The Taipei Times, Feb. 18, 2006
Wendy, Wong. “The Presence of Manga in Europe and North America”, York University
Mary, Ho. 2000. “Hong Kong Disneyland (A): The Walt Disney Perspective”. Centre for Asian Business Cases, pp. 5

[iii] “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya” provided by fansubs,http://www.asosbrigade.com/cms/index.php
[iv] According to the interview with movie director David Weaver in the Art and Media class, David suggested that “Never subtitle a movie a movie unless you are Ang Lee.”

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Executive Summary

“Art functions as a cultural metaphor, mirroring a culture's ideas and values. Technology, colonization, exploitation, revolution, among other factors, have all contributed to affect changes in how humans live and interact with one another individually, and collectively.” (John D. Miles)
Taiwan, a country that has been ruled by four political powers in the past 150 years; Palmardrama, a cultural art that has been strived to survive under these political powers. During this period of time, palmardrama has changed a lot in response to the environment:
-        Late Qing-Dynasty: Changed from Wen-xi to Wu-xi, which enabled philistines to watch it.
-        Late Japanese Colonialism: Forced to change from Chinese play to Japanese play.
-        KMT Autocracy era: Changed from classical palmardrama to Jin-Guan/TV palmardrama.
-        Post KMT and DPP era: Changed from Jin-Guan palmardrama to movie/animation style.
Some of the changes reflected to the political environment, some of the changes were forced by government policies. Sometimes government tried to control the art, sometimes government just let it be, and occasionally government played an assistance role. Artists reacted to those policies in different ways; some of them temporarily changed their career, some of them learned new languages in order to earn their livings, some of them devoted to preserve the classical palmardrama, and some of them kept innovating in order to disseminating the art. Tradition and innovation, a paradox everlasting, a story never ends.

What is Palmardrama? What makes it Special?
² The History of Palmardrama
Palmardrama (Also called hand puppet show or hand puppetry)[i] originated in Fujian Province, China, in the 16th~17th century, and disseminated to Taiwan in mid-seventeenth century with the immigrant tide.[ii] There is a tale for the origin, “In the Ming-dynasty (1368-1644), a scholar named Liang prayed in a temple for success in the national exam in order to work for the emperor. After that he had a dream, a senior wrote “Success Lies in your Palm!” on his hand. When he woke up he thought this is a good sign; however, he failed again in the exam, felt desperate, so went back home and learn marionette from his neighbor, then invented palmardrama, which became popular so that he earned the reputation and finally realized the meaning of the dream.”[iii]
² The Feature of Palmardrama
Just as the name shows, palmardrama is a drama played by palm. An old saying, “Life mirrors art, arts mirrors life” best describes how life is expressed through palm and puppets. “Similar to the Chinese opera, traditional palmardrama is divided into the front stage and the backstage.  The front stage, known as the "show platform", the audience is shown a demonstration by a master puppeteer on the stage.  The backstage consists of the puppeteer master, the orchestra, and the spoken parts.”[iv] 
On the other hand, the new palmardrama, or called TV palmardrama, performed more like movie. Although there is still front stage and backstage, but no audience is in front of stage as well as orchestra and dubbing parts at the back. However, unlike movie, background music and dubbing are accomplished in the studio before shooting.
² The Puppet
A traditional puppet is constructed in at least the following parts: Body Frame, Clothing and Helmet/Hat. Body Frame can be subdivided into wooden head and hand, cloth body and leg, and shoes. A traditional puppet, in order to be controlled by one hand easily, is only about 8 inches in height.[v] The basic frame for TV puppet is similar; however, puppet is more delicate and flexible, with more accessories and looks more like human, which can make a fist, blink eyes, open mouth, etc.. A TV puppet is about 4 times larger than a traditional one; therefore, a puppeteer cannot manipulate two TV puppets at the same time.
² Characters[vi]
Similar to the Chinese opera, there are mainly 7 kinds of characters in palmardrama, which can be subdivided into 60 characters.
1.     Sheng() – Sheng means mature or old man, normally for the leading positive character. This character is always well versed in both polite letters and martial arts.
2.     Chou() – Chou is known as clown, used to entertain the audience.
3.     Dan() – Dan means mature or old female. Puppeteer and vocal artist must be able to perform and dub a Dan like woman.
4.     Jine() – Jine is for martial-art based character. In the classical palmardrama, Jine’s face is always painted to show his nature; but for TV palmardrama, Jine always looks very cool. 
5.     Ton() – Ton means child, whatever male or female. Ton is a dexterous character.
6.     Tsa() – Tsa is a character for Taoism God, ghost, or all the other categories.
7.     Shou() – Shou is the mandarin pronunciation of animal, all animals are categorize as Shou.
Like the Chinese opera, palmardrama can be divided into 2 styles, Wen-xi(文戲) and Wu-xi(武戲). Wen-xi emphasis highly stylized acting and traditional Chinese literature, such as poem and celebrated dictum.[vii]  For example, one of the most distinguishing features of palmardrama is that every important character will have its own opening poem, which requires parallel and rhyme. People who are really interested in the drama will try to know more about what is said or written in the play. This has a positive educational meaning, because the language used in palmardrama is much more elegant and refined Taiwanese/Chinese, so the drama helps preserve the literature as well as the language. “You get so much more out of it if you know something about what you are hearing – when you can follow the form and hear the development of the ideas,” Feves mentioned in the interview. (Susan 1998)
Wu-xi focus on acrobatic and martial-art skills, some skills cannot be easily performed by human beings can be done through puppet. 
With so many similarities between the Chinese opera and palmardrama, the drama in this industry is called Xiao-long (小籠) compared to Da-long (大籠) of the Chinese opera.[viii]
² Dubbing – The Soul of Palmardrama
Nobody will deny it if you say that dubbing is the soul of palmardrama. Puppet cannot speak; therefore, at least 50% effort is from the art of vocalization.  If you know that all the characters in the play, whatever male or female, young or old, human or animal, are all dubbed by one person, you will be more astonished. Nowadays, the most famous vocal artist is Mr. Vincent Huang, General Manager of PILI International Multimedia – the largest palmardrama company in Taiwan, which I personally think can be attributed to Mr. Huang's great vocal talent.
“With an honorable title of "Eight Tone Genius", Vincent Huang is responsible for the part of vocal performance.  He dubs all characters’ voices by himself.  His rich voice is performed with full emotion that brought the characters to live, giving each wooden puppet its own personality and livelihood.  He is the best in this arena; even professional vocal artists from other countries are amazed by his talent.  Therefore, vocals are recorded first before filming. This is to give the director, puppeteers, and other production workers a chance to find each puppet's emotion and production inspiration through Mr. Huang's voice.”
The Evolvement of Taiwanese Palmardrama before the Second World War
       There is not too much historical data about palmardrama before the Second World War, but the drama can be basically demarcated in two eras.
        It is also important to note that, during this period of time, palmardram was only performed outdoor. After the 19th century (even until now), the classical palmardrama is usually performed in front of temple, which is a kind of ceremony to express thanks toward gods.[ix]   
² Early to Middle Qing-Dynasty(1644~1800)
Qing-Dynasty last for 267 years, as I mentioned before, palmardrama disseminated to Taiwan in mid-seventeenth century (around A.D. 1650).  About from 1650 to 1800, palmardrama is Wen-xi dominated, which was recognized by gentlemen and scholars.[x]  One of the reasons I think is that because Wen-xi is too hard for illiteracy or philistine to understand, only those who are able to understand it would like to watch it.  Nick Zangwill mentioned some audience theories in the journal – “Art and Audience”.  “According to Nelson Goodman, “A work of art imparts a kind of understanding (to an audience)”, In George Dickie’s earlier institutional account, a work of art is deemed by someone to be a candidate for appreciation, which is intentionally presented to the art world (a particular audience)”(Zangwill, 1999). Therefore, the candidate (gentlemen and scholars) must be able to understand and thus to be able to appreciate the art.
The musical instruments used at this time were mainly orchestral instrument, which is more noble and graceful. Besides, the play is called “Lond-di”(籠底); Long-di does not have too many scripts available and is much hard to understand for those without education.[xi]
² End of Qing-Dynasty to Early Republic of China (1800~1937)
In the nineteenth century, The Qing-Dynasty became weak, and many countries started to invade China. In 1894, “First Sino-Japanese War” exploded, the Qing-Dynasty lost the war to Japan and then, according to the Treaty of Shimonseki, Taiwan was therefore ceded to Japan for 50 years (1895~1945) until Japan lost the Second World War.[xii]
During this time, palmardrama also changed its form of performance. Instead of Wen-xi, Wu-xi replaced and dominated the play.[xiii] In my opinion, this is kind of reaction to the political environment. Because of the weakness of China, people started to recall the best of time when China is still quite strong. On the other hand, Wu-xi also has an effect of promoting martial arts, which taught people to fight back or at least training themselves. Besides, Wu-xi can be much easily understood by the general public because the language used in Wu-xi is much plain compare to Wen-xi. There is not data available to know if the change from Wen-xi to Wu-xi was government leaded, probably only a change to cater to the social trend. This is also supported by Murray Edelman’s “From Art to Politics”, in his book Murray mentioned that “The art is always a social product, never an individual fabrication, also means that it can both buttress democratic institutions and serve as a potent weapon for elites. The ideas that issue from works of art reflect group interests, as do the particular channels through which art becomes available to a susceptible public.” (Edelman, 1995)
        Except for the change from Wen-xi to Wu-xi, the use of musical instruments and drama topic also changed. To match up with Wu-xi, the traditional orchestral instrument was changed to percussion instrument, which has more majestic effect than orchestral instrument. Moreover, the scripts also changed from Long-di to Zhang-hui novel (a type of traditional Chinese novel with each chapter headed by a couplet giving the gist of its content), which has more acrobatic combat scenes.  One of the most famous Zhang-hui novels is “The Romance of Three Kingdoms”.[xiv]
        In the late 1920s, many theatrical organizations were established, of which the most famous two are:
1.     Wu-Zho-Yuan (Five-Continental) – founded by Hai-Dai Huang in southern Taiwan.[xv]
2.     Yi-Wen-Zen (As vivid as life) – founded by Tian-Lu Lee in northern Taiwan.[xvi] 
Mr. Huang (passed away this February at age 107) is being called the Pope of Palmardrama, the Huang family is still the most influential family in this industry, represents the innovative side. Mr. Lee (passed away in 1998 at age 88) enjoys equal fame as Mr. Huang; his organization represents the classical side.
Taiwanese Palmardrama in the Second World War (1937~1945)
        During the first forty years of the Japanese occupation (1895~1935), the Japanese did not has too much restriction on palmardrama, similar to what it was in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. At this time, Taiwan mainly treated as a supplier of goods and materials, especially agriculture product. However, after the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in 1937[xvii], China declared war to resist against Japanese aggression; on the other hand, in order to enhance its colonies’ loyalty, Japan started the “Kominka Movement”.[xviii]
² The Effect of Kominka Movement toward Palmardrama
Does government policy have a great influence on arts? The answer should be always true. Take government funding for example, if government cut funding to the arts, more art institutional resources would be spent on fundraising rather than on producing arts. On the contrary, “one huge advantage of government funding over private philanthropy is that it does not make the artist feel beholden.” (Kate, 2001)
There are many policies in the Kominka Movement, which encompass in all aspect. The Japanese empire required Taiwanese to speak Japanese, wear Kimono, live in Japanese style house, give up folk religious belief but go to Shinto shrine only, worship the emperor of Japan, change name to Japanese name, etc. In a word, Taiwanese should become real Japanese, so that government could recruit them to war. (Leo, 2001)
        Palmardrama, obviously did not match any of the requirements. It represents the Chinese culture. Therefore; in the early time of Kominka Movement, the Japanese firstly prohibited the using of traditional Chinese musical instrument. Then, the Japanese restricted scripts that are related to failure, nation’s doom, adultery, and any other that would affect feelings of citizenry about the government.  In 1941, because the war is not as smooth as expected, palmardrama and all the other Chinese operas were then totally banned.[xix]
        How did artists react to the Kominka Movement? The general public cannot accept palmardrama without traditional musical instrument, without those scripts that were on everybody’s lips. I remember many of the guest speakers, like Chad Irschick, Rob Pazdro and David Weaver all mentioned that being creative and decisive is important, you need to find your own way to survive.  Therefore, in the early time, Mr. Huang went to remote towns for performance, where there were not many Japanese spies. But in 1940, Wu-Zho-Yuan was forced to dismiss. Mr. Huang and his family had to stay at home and worked as temporary labour.[xx] Another famous organization, The Hsiao Hsi Yuan Puppet Theater[xxi], is forced to perform in China for three years, and had a really hard time. As for Mr. Lee, he stopped the performing of Yi-Wen-Zen from 1937~1941, and had been running tea and oyster businesse, but all bankrupted. He then went to other Chinese opera as director and temporary actor.[xxii] This is probably the worst of time, in order to survive, these artists also started to learn Japanese.
In 1942, a government official and a senior police officer suggested the entertainment department that, if totally forbid Taiwanese express their thanks to the gods on important dates, this might leads to rebellion. But if use arts as media to carry out policies, this will have a positive effect. Hence, the “Taiwanese Theatre Association” was set up.[xxiii] The rules are[xxiv]:
1.     Taiwanese can be spoken in the drama, but Japanese should be the majority language.
2.     Only western or Japanese music/musical instrument are allowed in the play.
3.     Puppets must wear Japanese clothes, perform Japanese literary works.
4.      Performance must be in the theatre only, which transfer the trend from outdoor to indoor.
At that time, there was not television available; watch drama performance is the major entertainment for the general public, just like watch TV in the 1990s. Bob Franklin wrote in his book “Social Policy, the Media and Misrepresentation that,“Such Occasions have become routine events for government ministers and central to the process of policy presentation. The current emphasis on the media packaging of policy means that ministers are more likely to be seen on television opening a new hospital building or feeding their children beef burgers during a food scare than engaged in more traditional activities such as debating at the dispatch box in the House of Commons.”(Franklin, 1999)
Artists, in order to survive, are forced to join the Taiwanese Theatre Association. At that time, only seven palmardrama groups got the certificate to perform. However, the rules made the drama neither fish flesh nor good red herring. To combat with those rules, according to Mr. Huang, “In order to satisfy our audiences, in the later part of our performance, when the Japanese police officers were out for drinks, we changed back to the traditional music, and audiences will know we are going to perform the classical play! Sometimes this kind of extra performance was so hot that we were performed until mid-night.”[xxv]  Mr. Lee and other groups like Hsiao Hsi Yuan also did the same thing.
This is also similar to what described by our panel guest. In order to get support or have their work published, both David and Chad mentioned they have felt compelled to “distort” information so that producers are told what they want to hear, in some cases even resorting to lying. Nevertheless, cheat in this epoch would sometimes lead to very terrible result. According to Mr. Huang, they were caught twice and sued for this kind of smuggling performance, and many of the artists were beaten cruelly, even invalidated the license. Most seriously, Mr. Huang’s brother was imprisoned and tortured to death because he violated the curfew regulation and clashed with the police, which almost leaded to Mr. Huang’s early retirement.[xxvi]           
Taiwanese Palmardrama in the KMT Autocratic Era (1945~1988)
After the Second World War, palmardrama was no longer restricted. Suddenly, new groups emerged in large number throughout the whole island. Both indoor and outdoor performances were very popular. In 1949, KMT was defeated by CCP, and withdrew to Taiwan. Hence, palmardrama was totally independent from China.[xxvii]
² Anti-Communism Palmardrama (Early 1950s)
“The Nazis rapidly seized control of the media's communication means for dissemination of political rhetoric, effectively severing the progression of German cultural art.”(John D. Miles)
        The above best describes how KMT seized control of cultural arts, just like the Japanese. Once again, palmardrama was restricted to indoor performance only for several years, which is much easier to prevent and control spy from China. 
Although KMT did not regulate the script to anti-communism only, it was highly recommended by the government to perform this kind of play. Many drama competitions and awards were hold in the name of anti-communism. In order to win the prize, many groups practiced and performed this kind of script in the theatre.[xxviii]
Because the anti-communism drama was very dull and with little scripts available, which did not appeal to the general public, it only last for few years. Until 1960s, only one group, Hsin Hsing Ku Puppet Show Troupe, was selected by government to continue this play for road show around Taiwan.[xxix]
² Jin-Guang Palmardrama (1950~1970)
Jin-Guang Palmardrama is another product under the regulation of indoor performance. This also has a significant effect on the puppet size, because those who sit at the back of theatre could hardly see the puppet; therefore, artists enlarged the puppet from 8 inch to 1.2~2 feet in order to attract more audiences and increase revenue. From this on, the conflict between classical and innovative palmardrama officially started. One argument is that the smaller puppet is much flexible and technical compare to the larger one.[xxx] 
Jin-Guang means golden light because it uses neon lights, dry ices, and sparks to make special effects. This kind of palmardrama has a huge difference between the classical palmardrama. Except for the puppet size and special effects, major changes are:[xxxi]
1.     Face – In classical palmardrama, the color on a puppet’s face represents the personality of the character. For example, black means rash, red means loyalty and green means sinister. Nevertheless, Jin-Guang palmardrama, although still follows the basic rule, focuses more on the modeling of the face and has much more varieties.  
2.     Clothes – In classical palmardrama, you can judge if the character is aristocrat based on its clothes.  Aristocrats’ clothes are embroidered with totems like animal, flower or fish. But in Jin-Guang palmardrama, clothes are much more simplified.
3.     Platform – In classical palmardrama, the platform is woodcarving and colored, which restricted to limited space but much more delicate.  On the other hand, Jin-Guang palmardrama uses painting and cloth curtain as background to provide more flexibility.
4.     Script – In the past, except for anti-communism and Kominka Movement, scripts are mainly based on Zhang-hui novel. However, Jin-Guang palmardrama, gradually decrease, or even does not use adapted script, but creates its own and modify it base on audiences’ reaction.
5.     Background music – Classical palmardrama must have an orchestra at the backstage, but Jin-Guang palmardrama replaces it with phonograph or tapes with non-traditional music.
6.     Front Stage Performer – Classical palmardrama performs small puppet in limited space, therefore maximum 2 puppeteers are required. But Jin-Guang palmardrama goes with multiple puppeteers in the front stage, which also leads to division of labor in this industry. A puppeteer no longer required to specialize in all the different moves of puppet characters.
As mentioned, in order to live under government policy, artists strive to increase revenue in the theatre.  Unlike outdoor, revenue came from those temples, their revenue were from ticket sales only, no government sponsorship at all. Palmardrama were therefore forced to do the above mentioned changes. Like Joseph Lampel mentioned, the paradox between Artistic Values Versus Mass Entertainment, “Cultural industries strive to remain loyal to artistic values, but they must also deal with market economics. The question that persistently confronts organizations in cultural industries is: Which one of these imperatives should drive decision making?”(Lampel, 2000)
Apparently the market and government policies has made the choice for the artists, during this 20 years, groups that performed classical palmardrama has decreased severely both indoor and outdoor. Until now, for those big organizations, only Hsiao Hsi Yuan and Yi-Wen-Zen is still performing the classical palmardrama.[xxxii]    
² TV Palmardrama (1962~1974 and 1981~now)[xxxiii]
In 1962, the first TV station TTV was established by the government.[xxxiv] The same year, TTV invited Mr. Lee to perform “The Romance of Three Kingdoms” on TV for 1 year. At this moment, palmardrama officially moved to TV. However, Mr. Lee’s group is primarily classical based, which was not appreciated by the general public at that time. So the performance was not as popular as expected. Afterward, there were still some other groups performed on TV in mandarin and but still not appreciated by audiences.
In 1970, Jun-Xiong Huang (Pope of Jin-Guan palmardrama and son of Mr. Huang) transferred Jin-Guan palmardrama to TV. Suddenly, the play (Big Confucian Hero of Yun-Zhou) became Taiwan’s most famous play ever. It was performed on TV for 4 years (583 episodes), and the leading character Shi Yan-Wen became Taiwan’s hero at that time. This play created many unbreakable records every Taiwan’s history:[xxxv]
1.     Highest TV rating ever – 97% (Only 3 TV stations owned by government at that time).
2.     Students skipped classes, people stopped working, almost no vehicles or pedestrians on street when the show was on, and people crazily imitated the characters.
Therefore, in 1973, the KMT government banned all the TV palmardrama shows for two reasons – “Affect People’s Daily Schedule” and “Promoting Mandarin”.[xxxvi] The effect is Similar to what happened in BBC in 2004; the difference is that UK is a democracy country, government do not have, or not allowed to persecute the media. (Saunderes, 2004)
 “Once you begin to "control" art, art can no longer function properly in a society.  When artists become uncertain and afraid to express themselves, the fear spreads throughout the culture like a cancer, resulting in a people and culture as lethargic as that of Nazi Germany.” (John D. Miles) As I mentioned in class, in the past, it is not allowed to speak Taiwanese in school or formal occasions, otherwise you would get fine. The KMT government forbad TV palmardrama and promoting mandarin has once again seriously harmed the industry. Through education, Taiwanese language was deemed as a low class language for quite a long time. On the other hand, people’s taste has changed to TV instead of indoor or outdoor performance. Therefore, even though in 1981, the KMT government once again allowed TV palmardrama performance (but can only speak mandarin and only performed in 1 TV station), few people would like to watch it and regard it an inferior art.[xxxvii]  Before 1988, this cultural industry was almost died for the opening of foreign entertainment programs.
        Artists, in order to survive and preserve this art, took different strategies to deal with the environment. For example, Mr. Huang’s grandsons went into the video tape market in 1988, Mr. Lee’s family has many foreigners came to learn the arts and disseminate it abroad.[xxxviii] Other famous groups like Hsiao His Yuan or Hsin Hsing Ku went into the campus.
 Post KMT and DPP Democratic Era (1988~now)
        In 1988, the first Taiwanese President, Lee Teng-hui, replaced and ended the Jiang family’s autocracy.[xxxix] Especially in 1991, President Lee Teng-hui declared the Period of Communist Rebellion to be terminated.[xl] In 1993, the government allowed cable TV station[xli], and in 1994, after six years effort in the video tape market, Christ Huang and Vincent Huang established PILI Satellite TV channel.[xlii]  
        PILI International Multimedia is now the hegemony in TV palmardrama. It makes use of computer animation and filmmaking techniques, also manage the company in the modern way. PILI successfully disseminate palmardrama to the young generation, and helps palmardrama stands up. Other than Shi Yan-Wen, the leading character Su Huan-Zhen has gradually replaced it place and is also the brand image of PILI. Between tradition and innovation, Christ Huang made the following comment (translated to English):
        “Why innovation? We has walked through the way and spurned such culture. Hence we will think that not just we don’t like it, other teenagers will have the same feelings. In order to remove the bad image of palmardrama, we must change! Change it to a much fashionable and life related product.”[xliii]
        Christ Huang and Vincent Huang, in their earlier age, because of government education, did not like palmardrama at all. They had ever organized a pop band in their early twenty something. This tells us how horrible government policy could be, even in such a famous palmardrama family; its offspring still has this kind of feeling to the art.
Instead of oppressing arts, the government actively helps preserve the art. Especially in 2000, with the help of Lee Teng-hui, DPP ended KMT’s presidency and Taiwan became a real democratic country.[xliv] Many art museums or foundations like National Center for Traditional Arts, Litienlu palmardrama museum, and Se Den Society were established.[xlv] Government, PILI, and traditional palmardrama work together has given life to this industry. Highlights are:
1.     In 1998, PILI presented the first indoor play[xlvi] to National Theater & Concert Hall.[xlvii] This play was the first time palmardrama went on to National Theater in Taiwan, which means it is no longer an inferior art. It is also important to know that instead of making TV palmardrama in its film studio, PILI can still perform directly in front of the general public.
2.     In 2000, PILI presented the first palmardrama movie – Legend of the Sacred Stone[xlviii] This movie has been translated to English and Japanese and disseminated overseas, including film festivals like Fantasia in Canada, FFF in Sweden, FFH in Germany, etc..[xlix]
3.     In 2005, PILI’s TV play series won the Best Director Award in Golden Bell Awards.[l] This award is known as the Oscar Award in Taiwan, and the event was originally held by Government Information Office.[li] Since 2000, Broadcasting Development Fund was in charged of it, but the government still plays an important role to it. When palmardrama won the prize in 2005, many actors were not happy about it because they did not think they were worse than puppets. However, it is not about actors, but about directing.
4.     In Feb. 2006, PILI’s 2001 play were aired on Cartoon Network in the United States.[lii] Unfortunately, only for two episodes, the play was cut for its poor rating.
5.     In Feb. 2006, “Taiwanese hand-puppet has been voted by the public as the image that would represent Taiwan to the world.” (Chuang, 2006)
Conclusion – What’s next?
        With government and artists’ co-operate, Palmardrama has once again reached its golden age. It is now officially voted to be the image of Taiwan and will represent Taiwan to the world in formal occasions. However, the failure on Cartoon Network due to poor rating shows that there are still some difficulties in either cultural difference, or unsuccessful marketing strategy. To disseminate this cultural art, the first step will be working on translation. I asked David Weaver if it is suitable for Asia films to use subtitle and keep the original dubbing in North America, he said “Unless you are a famous director like An Lee; otherwise never subtitle it.”
The Japanese animation has successfully got a place in the world market, can Taiwanese palmardrama follows the same model or find its own way, it will require everyone’s effort.

Susan, Allen. (1998).  Nonprofit and commercial music: three musicians’ experience. (The Arts and the Public Purpose) (Interview) Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society. Vol. 28, Issue 2.

Zangwill, Nick. (1999). The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism: Art and Audience, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 315-332

Edelman, Murray. (1995). From Art to Politics: How Artistic Creations Shape Political Conceptions.The University of ChicagoPress.
Taylor, Kate. “Prize for best beggar a sorry sign of the times”. The Globe and Mail, November 29, 2001
Ching, Leo T. S. 2001. Becoming "Japanese": Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Franklin, Bob. (1999). Social Policy, the Media and Misrepresentation. Routledge
Miles, John. “Politics and the Art of Cultural Control: Aspects of 20th Century Art Movements”
Web site: http://hunsmire.tripod.com/aspects.pdf
Lampel, Joseph, “Balancing Act: Learning From Organizing Practices in Cultural Industries,” Organization Science 11, No. 3, 2000, 263-269
Saunders, Doug. Reporter’s resignation furls fear about the BBC”. The Globe and Mail, January 31, 2004
Chuang, Jimmy. “Hand-puppet voted best Taiwan image”. The Taipei Times, Feb. 18, 2006 Web site: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2006/02/18/2003293501
End Notes

[i]There isn’t an official English translation to the name, but Pili International Multimedia called it Hand Puppet Shows or Palm Shows. Pronounced Budaixi in Mandarin or Pò·-tē-hì in Taiwanese.
[ii] http://www.go2taiwan.net/monthly_selection.php?date=2006-07&PHPSESSID=93d5b01f887bdf2d307fafdc9b30aeea
[iii] http://www.uppacific.com.tw/ugC_AboutUs.asp
[iv] Revised from Wikipedia,because what on the English version is confusing and some what incorrect. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glove_puppetry
[v] http://folkartist.e-lib.nctu.edu.tw/collection/palm_edu/include/index.php?title=make&item=info
[vi] http://www.uppacific.com.tw/ugC_ShowroomCat.asp
[vii] http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2006/08/04/2003321828
[viii]The case (for storing accessories) required for palmardrama is much smaller for that of Chinese opera, so people in this industry called it “Xiao-long”, “long” means storage case.

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  • Oct 29 Mon 2007 03:14
  • 手機



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賽前: 成大夢之大地
→ james23foral:E04好屌的衣服XDDDD國旗裝耶                             06/20
→     linshine:屌到掉渣阿~~~~!!!                                      06/20
→         knit:白痴...                                                06/20
→  joyfulpizza:雖然很蠢但是還是推阿XD                                 06/20
→       bluash:好宅= =                                                06/20
→   littlewolf:............                                           06/20
→      DarkFog:學長帥到掉渣啊.........                                06/20
→        Bascl:.....你不怕他笑場阿= =                                 06/20
→  cloudcastle:愛國超人裝啊!!!!~~~  我要看學長勝過小郭啊~~            06/20
→       shinzi:加油啊 祝你上電視^^" 讚!                               06/20
→      satsuki:變相閃光文!                                           06/20
→        awhat:超酷阿                                                 06/20
→     forerick:智障                                                   06/20
→      vul3jp6:學長你變瘦了                                           06/20
→    Mandeling:這是你原來的真面目嗎@@" 其實在臉上彩繪更好免帶面具XD   06/20

賽前: 台大PTT MLB版
→ aegis144:XDDD 好宅                                              06/20 15:30
推 aloha888:我笑了  一百分!                                       06/20 15:31
推 shanglin0201:加個內褲  穿在外面  應該就能上電視了               06/20 15:30
推 liuic99:這個裝扮跟宅有什麼關係?!                                06/20 15:31
→ shanglin0201:裝扮跟宅無關  但是他看起來就超宅(攤......)         06/20 15:32
推 ybw:真有種...我們期待明天在電視上看到他...                      06/20 15:33
→ CruiseTom:宅宅最愛國了 加油!                                    06/20 15:38
推 springny:臉上的面具怪怪的,直接塗在臉上吧!                     06/20 15:48
推 phcebus:臉上沒面具的地方也上色吧XD                              06/20 16:09
推 tnchues:"宅"怎麼被濫用到這種程度........                        06/20 16:11
→ maikxz:就廣義跟狹義啊XD                                         06/20 16:20
推 a558815:哪裡宅? 這叫愛台灣吧...= =                              06/20 16:23
推 Sunrise2516:GJ                                                  06/20 16:24
推 Schnell:人家至少會去球場加油 有人只會在家推宅 ﹨(╯▽╰)∕      06/20 16:28
推 otonik:大聯盟在台灣開打的話 我也會去阿                          06/20 16:35
推 arbalest:這個叫宅也太廣義了吧........                           06/20 16:39
→ arbalest:說瘋狂可能還比較適合  XD                               06/20 16:40
推 mrkey:XDDDD 期待明天看到他                                      06/20 17:09
推 mimichw:他去看球都這樣穿??                                      06/20 17:09
推 Elton320:太棒啦~~~你同學也是另類的台灣之光                      06/20 17:42
推 belucky:太屌了                                                  06/20 17:43
推 bkm1:XDDDD.....其實我心中也出現宅這個字......                   06/20 17:48
推 easylylove:叫他國旗裡面要記得穿                                 06/20 17:52
推 IloveJTT:面具有點怪,直接畫臉上吧,愛呆玩推一個                 06/20 17:55
推 Nilthoron:GJ                                                    06/20 18:00
推 smallken0410:叫你同學上電視跟鄉民揮個手   ._./                  06/20 18:00
推 manphis:明天會不會看到他的時候是裸體XDDDD                       06/20 18:01
推 fleece:好變態                                                   06/20 18:11
推 EndlessJazz:裸體才屌啦~GO!~~利用換局時跳下球場跟小郭握手吧!     06/20 18:24
推 cheer16max: 宅宅XDDDDD                                          06/20 18:59
推 jamesppi:酷喔,推一個                                            06/20 19:41
推 zaqwsxcde:衝阿 加拿大阿宅!!                                     06/20 19:47
推 Mazer:哈哈~ XDD                                                06/20 19:51
推 niceta:我怎麼覺得小朋友會被嚇哭                                 06/20 20:09
推 schrei:超帥的拉                                                 06/20 20:18
推 JackeyChen:這是讓我今天第一篇大笑的文章 XDDDDDDDDDD             06/20 20:21
推 flowerkid:明天注意看電視有沒有出現...哈哈                       06/20 20:24
推 tupacshkur:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD                                     06/20 20:56
推 sinway:我笑了                                                   06/20 20:58
→ syhide:不要帶面具拉  用畫的看起來會比較好@@                   06/20 22:11
推 garbo:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD                        06/20 22:20
推 tentryway:狂推!!                                                06/20 22:48
推 skyrmion:推 加油                                                06/21 03:00

賽前: 台大PTT HCKuo版(被推爆了)
推 warchiefdodo:                                                   06/20 15:28
推 kee32:這.............................審美觀要加強哪!           06/20 15:29
→ guitarapou:屌!!                                                 06/20 15:31
推 digodi:                                                         06/20 15:31
推 CCGARY:GOOD= =   你同學真屌!                                    06/20 15:32
推 baron2243:XDDDDDDDDDDDD                                         06/20 15:32
推 peruman:哈哈 這一定要推的 ^^                                    06/20 15:33
推 tigernaxo:並不屌...............應該說是"超級屌"  !!           06/20 15:36
推 Fatsnow:this is really cool                                     06/20 15:38
推 startac28:He is very diaw !!                                    06/20 15:39
推 micotosai:這需要莫大的勇氣吧?..囧                               06/20 15:39
→ dpsl:我個人是真的很期待明天的電視轉播啦....  XDD                06/20 15:40
推 mstc:哈哈~只能說他真的很有種!!                                  06/20 15:41
推 jackou:diaw dau bow!!!                                          06/20 15:42
推 shiami:XDDDDDDDD                                                06/20 15:49
推 pdself:....我有一種無言的感覺                                   06/20 15:53
推 autoexecbat:你同學把國旗當內褲外穿,我就佩服你! XDDDD            06/20 15:59
推 lomel:你敢穿我敢推~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                               06/20 16:01
推 windtemple:推你同學的勇氣XDD                                    06/20 16:00
推 ignorant7:我覺得很丟臉...                                       06/20 16:04
→ MANPringle:XDDD                                                 06/20 16:08
推 kinkiway:有這份心就好…                                         06/20 16:08
推 karting:其實在國外很多運動迷都很敢吧 這小巫啦                   06/20 16:14
推 keyringg:呵呵!!蠻好玩的啊!!不過恐怕不能進場吧!             06/20 16:20
推 vnra:好屌  XDDDDDD                                              06/20 16:25
推 ognslpj:看到這個是一定要推的啊!!                              06/20 16:27
推 redyu:其實你同學長得蠻像小小郭的                                06/20 16:32
推 k8543:勇氣十足                                                  06/20 16:34
推 IceCrying:一定要推一個~~                                        06/20 16:34
推 IceCrying:一人一信加入SOD!!                                     06/20 16:43
推 new1025:屌                                                      06/20 16:44
推 Qoonew:推                                                       06/20 16:53
→ ytchen:超......................屌~~~~~~~~~~~                    06/20 16:55
推 KZS:好屌好屌好屌好屌!!!!                                        06/20 17:00
推 nwohippo:這要轉到八卦版還是棒球版好XD                           06/20 17:04
推 ilvio:屌                                                        06/20 17:09
推 xxoxooxo:又不是大都會的屌卡多先生....                           06/20 17:10
推 takuya42:太屌了拉 可是這樣進的了場嗎                            06/20 17:19
推 dnzteeqrq:愛呆丸啦~~~~                                          06/20 17:23
→ jakevin:XD 他一定有輕度燥鬱症                                   06/20 17:32
推 retry:好強....GOOD FOR YOU!!                                    06/20 17:38
推 alan50231:記得再寫個看板,上面要寫PTT喔                         06/20 17:38
推 Kirihara:我大笑XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD                                 06/20 17:46
推 aidabi:推,太猛了                                               06/20 17:58
推 mahament:屌面人                                                 06/20 17:58
推 g11225588:我很擔心他.....................                       06/20 18:04
推 morning9:這樣真的進得去嗎?真是太帥了                           06/20 18:08
→ valenci:讚!不過球場有規定旗子不知有沒規定披風?XD              06/20 18:09
推 semiexist:靠腰  屌勒                                            06/20 18:20
推 rocketX:god....                                                 06/20 18:22
推 argoth:酷斃了~大推!XD                                         06/20 18:25
推 chuchuman:期待電視看到他                                        06/20 18:29
推 bagayalo35:還蠻屌的                                             06/20 18:47
推 cartierchen:大推  真男人  小小郭必勝  這比金援外交還有用        06/20 18:49
推 BuzzerBeater:藍鳥主場有規定嗎?                                  06/20 18:51
推 Aerialy:好酷XDDDDD                                              06/20 19:00
推 no3:推!! XD                                                     06/20 19:14
推 Minilla:我噴了.....真的狠猛!                                    06/20 19:16
推 juanmao:太屌了啦~~~~!!!!!!                                      06/20 19:19
→ Jamesbang:不要衝動穿過去阿........超瞎的耶!!!                   06/20 19:22
推 rbki3:衝阿~~                                                    06/20 19:25
推 AKUne:我會注意本壘板後方XD                                      06/20 19:53

推 laroserose:GOD! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!                       06/20 19:54
推 ANZO:我比較喜歡moddyz                                           06/20 20:01
→ saypon:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD                             06/20 20:04
推 Melson:真男人                                                   06/20 20:08
推 msang:我可以說不要去丟臉嗎...雖然我不是台灣人..                 06/20 20:08
推 erichito19:國外不是還有更猛的嗎...這樣只是剛好而已              06/20 20:10
推 missmm:創意十足耶XDDD                                           06/20 20:15
推 tacos:看球賽發揮創意很好阿...支持你朋友!!!                      06/20 20:17
推 iwawa:支持啦~XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD                                   06/20 20:19
推 shentis:感覺就是卡漫裡面會出現的自戀角色XD                      06/20 20:21
噓 we1ee:好強! 酷~ 學一下超人內褲外穿吧~~ XDD                      06/20 20:30
推 dobioptt:不得不說眼罩很有創意......                             06/20 20:31
推 we1ee:抱歉 按錯XD 推!                                           06/20 20:34
推 cyclic:帥啊~老皮~  說到要做到啊  明天會盯著螢幕的               06/20 20:43
推 wassup:我等著看....蘋果應該會頭版                               06/20 20:52
推 roseboy:小小郭看到會不會笑場!                                   06/20 20:55
推 joke1:樂觀其成                                                  06/20 20:55
推 cocolico:青天白日台灣俠XD 不過蒙面可能進不了球場喔...           06/20 20:56
推 zennatsai:超屌                                                  06/20 21:04
推 iversonman:太屌了                                               06/20 21:14
→ vicent0122:超屌..可是可能進不了場耶..要裁成合身的衣服拉!!!!     06/20 21:16
推 k33536:他可能會在門口被阿陸仔打死XDDDD                          06/20 21:30
推 awhat:說丟臉的 有沒有看過轉播世界盃時的歐洲足球迷阿             06/20 21:41
推 axyl:那我要考慮不要買那區的票....                               06/20 21:45
推 ccc222:帥啊~老皮~呵呵...                                        06/20 21:46
推 AAaaron:我同學已經這樣上過TVBS了!除了眼罩以外..orz              06/20 21:56
推 ianyen:推                                                       06/20 21:57
→ laigei:可以進去在帶眼罩阿!!XD  屌阿! 中華民國明天揚名國際XD  06/20 21:58
推 ROCAF:阿陸仔有在看MLB嗎                                         06/20 22:06
推 donald0415:沒用的拉..坐下去披風根本照不到..除非翻過來遮臉       06/20 22:43
推 Annrod:實在是太酷了!  XDDD                                     06/20 22:45
→ Annrod:那就請那位同學,只要一照本壘,馬上站起來走來走去吧  XD   06/20 22:45
推 dpsl:最新更新,他買到一壘dugout上方13-15排的座位,我叫他        06/20 22:48
→ dpsl:盡量往dugout那邊靠~~~明天請注意一壘側dugout觀眾席~~~       06/20 22:50
推 a1len:      台灣狂人在多倫多XDD                                 06/20 22:51
→ etrana:太帥氣了 好的 希望鏡頭take到 XDDDDDDDD                   06/20 22:53
→ etrana:hey man so cool                                          06/20 22:54
推 sky99:這怎可以不推~~~~~~~~  太酷了  要大喊來自台灣~~          06/20 23:11
推 donicf3:就不要沒去...                                           06/20 23:27
推 Dragula:髮型要請他再SET一下                                     06/20 23:29
推 freeskyd:台灣狂人衝ㄧ個呀                                       06/20 23:35
推 antemw:開開玩笑OK  國旗國家和人不丟臉  但整個舉動裝扮很丟臉     06/20 23:37
推 besamey:好厲害耶 加油啊!                                        06/20 23:50
推 CMChou:明天一定爬起來幫郭與你朋友加油,衝阿                     06/20 23:53
推 IceCrying:明天一定爬起來幫郭與你朋友加油,衝阿                  06/21 00:04
→ IceCrying:這篇應該會被抄吧~~                                    06/21 00:04
推 Artist:記得拍個照片po上來啊  多謝~~                             06/21 00:06
推 okah:髮型請他弄得有power一點                                    06/21 00:08
推 Artist:頭髮弄成塞亞人造型 就變成完全體了                        06/21 00:10
推 teapot43:加油 被請出去請小心:)                                  06/21 00:11
推 sixpoint:你同學好像我去加拿大讀書的同學...不知道是不是同一個||  06/21 00:15
推 valiant1031:衝阿   勝投阿~~2連勝                                06/21 00:17
推 mahament:這是超級賽亞超人的裝扮嗎XD                             06/21 00:20
推 idtvgame:爆!                                                    06/21 00:21
推 smartlouis:太醜了不過你真的很有骨氣加油阿                       06/21 00:21
推 ruse:請你同學記住「力量越大,責任也越大」,去吧~「國旗俠」!    06/21 00:31
推 jic8802:雖然是披風 看起來還是像面國旗 做點掩飾免的被請          06/21 00:42
推 CHA38:超帥 希望等下能在電視看到台灣國旗 哈哈                    06/21 00:44
推 l19: 你同學應該用人體彩繪.只穿內褲畫在身上.這樣才會上鏡頭...    06/21 00:46
推 dannis0122:太酷了......0.0                                      06/21 00:49
推 dusted:笑死我了                                                 06/21 01:08
推 gerrysu:他裡面還有穿嗎?                                         06/21 01:11
推 greatkevin:加油 go go                                           06/21 01:38
推 vaorejao:讚!                                                    06/21 01:58
→ Sahara:果然蒙面的功夫都比較強..                                 06/21 01:59
推 eric2003002:Cool!!!                                             06/21 02:12
推 thubo:go go go !!!!                                             06/21 02:21
推 whogotme:真有勇氣 = =a                                          06/21 02:24
推 missin:有世界杯的感覺=.=                                        06/21 02:27
推 ihl:狙擊王...                                                   06/21 02:41
推 XR125:會不會小郭看到...笑到手軟...然後.....                     06/21 02:41
推 spring610:超酷炫                                                06/21 02:45
推 chenjuneshin:水啦                                               06/21 03:22
推 Iamyutaka:diaw van ten is your friend!!                         06/21 03:50
推 cherishare:酷                                                   06/21 04:23
→ YHank:我認真說  頭髮爛到不行  戴頂帽子比較好                    06/21 04:36
推 chien533:cool!                                                  06/21 04:59
推 hijackermaw:真男人是也!                                        06/21 05:08
推 moder:太有創意了真的太酷了                                      06/21 05:35
推 IbaTomokazu:XDDDDD                                              06/21 06:04
推 senegg:還好有蒙面                                               06/21 06:06
推 daisy100:我不相信他敢穿這樣去                                   06/21 06:12
→ ohmyjesus:不可能吧...                                           06/21 06:23
推 sweetyabe:在等一下就可以看到了   哈哈哈                         06/21 06:55
→ a000000jet:看起來沒錢買門票搶到位子後面的樣子                   06/21 07:27
推 neverend888:看起來算酷  被打滿灌砲                              06/21 08:07

賽後: 台大PTT  HCKuo版(剛比完不久)
 作者  Elton320 (Elton)                                           看板  HCKuo
 標題  Re: 我在多倫多的同學.....
 時間  Thu Jun 21 19:15:47 2007



推 a020497919:我看他應該被打了                                     06/21 19:44
推 ggeennoo:被扁成內建眼罩了嗎?                                   06/21 19:47

賽後: 台大PTT  HCKuo版(又過了一陣)
 作者  david31408 (希望你沒事)                                    看板  HCKuo
 標題  Kuo@Toronto
 時間  Fri Jun 22 13:58:25 2007










我的位置是115區就一壘第一層後排$41+2=43 CAD


鏡頭到200端都開光圈  晚一點的時候畫質可能不好.......

Halloday 1000K.......


推 BirthStone:國旗俠出現了  http://0rz.tw/ba2Lz 06/22 14:21
推 smallken0410:話說昨天那個國旗人有沒有上電視啊???                06/22 14:37
推 dustlala:說不定原po就是國旗人啊 XD                              06/22 14:59
推 david31408:哈  不是我啦.....我都臨時起意的根本連海報都沒準備..  06/22 15:02
推 smallken0410:看到了啦~ 國旗人在棒球版同樣的文章 推文有連結      06/22 15:42

推 splashsunday:原P借推一下國旗人照片, 在下同是200level傷心人      06/23 00:40

 作者  splashsunday (splash_sunday)                               看板  HCKuo
 標題  Re: 我在多倫多的同學.....
 時間  Sat Jun 23 00:39:15 2007


推 nwohippo:真男人                                                 06/23 00:42
→ nwohippo:我貼去回八掛版的文                                     06/23 00:42
→ nwohippo:被標了~不能回XD                                        06/23 00:43
→ splashsunday:相簿原推板友david31408                             06/23 00:44
推 kvankam:勇者!                                                  06/23 21:37
推 Annrod:勇者!                                                   06/23 23:59

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